I'm Jenn Giam Smith. AAPI Wisconsinite wife & mom of 5. I'm the daughter of a chef and grew up in the kitchen. I'm always sharing about food (especially secrets my dad has shared with me including how kids can join in the kitchen), fun ideas, and family life.
Issue 2 February 2025 Straight From Jenn RECIPES COOKING TIPS AND TRICKS STRAIGHT FROM JENN YOUTUBE REFLECTING January was filled with emotion, goals, and cleaning; at least in the Smith household. I know for many of you January is the month of new beginnings or resolutions. This newsletter was just that for me, something new I wanted to include with the blog. I'm excited to share recipes, ideas, and more that pertain to the coming month This time of the year is cold (usually) around here in...
FOOD STRAIGHT FROM JENN DIY & CRAFTS ABOUT SHOP OK, So some of you might already have kids in school. Mine have a few more days of summer left. But either way, with school underway I'm always in need of some easy lunch ideas I can do the day before or right away in the morning. Last year I did a mini-lunch ideas “series” on Instagram with Ecozoi. Today I'm sharing those lunches on a blog post for easy reference anytime you need lunch inspo. Make sure you check back here because I will make...